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Monday, December 08, 2008

♥ PETA *vent*

I remember the first time I heard about PETA, I was in the 8th grade and I had a HUGE obsession with getting mail (it made me feel important). I received this mighty huge package that I ordered on one of my many "request-more-information-through-mail"rampages and it included a VCR tape and loads of documents, fact sheets, stickers (as a 13 year-old, what's not to love about stickers?!) of how animals in circuses are abused and tortured. After watching the video with my little sister, I cried feverishly (I'm very emotional) and we promised each other to never support cruelty. We then proceeded to get our notebooks out and plan ways we could help spread the word...well, that activity quickly descended and she didn't have quite the same passion as I had. But my obsession with mail never ended and I continued getting DVD's, leaflets, pamphlets, brochures, posters and a googilion other things but one video stood out to me the most. "Meet Your Meat", it's a very disturbing and sad video about the upbringing and abuse factory animals & it changed my life instantaneously! I watched it for the first time in school by myself and quickly realized there were at least 6 other people behind me watching...Like I said I'm a real emotional person so I mustered up all the strength I had to not cry, especially in front of peoople. A few of the students asked me repeatedly to show the video to a larger crowd & I did...this time there were as many as 20 students watching. Although the response garnered some heartfelt comments people still said they still had to eat and couldn't imagine not eating murdered animals meat. When I got home from school, I played it again on my home computer which was in the dining room, totally pretending not to see my family getting ready for dinner. They watched the video and I got the same response, they still went ahead and ate. I couldn't hold back tears so I darted to the bathroom and let out a cry that I recall my mother saying, "your crying like if somebody died, what the hell is wrong with you?". That's Dominican love. I promised myself that I would NEVER eat meat again and went vegetarian the same day! I'm not going to say it was easy because it wasn't. I was brainwashed to think that you couldn't get protein unless you ate slaughtered former living creatures meat...but everyone knows its not true. Although I did eat meat 2 weeks later and felt sick to my stomach, I watched tons of other videos and knew that it was such an easy choice and I never ate meat again...This time, it was that easy. I had two choices - live healthy or make others suffer...Easy peasy! :-D Although I thank PETA a million times (even with former weekly monetary donations), I don't always agree on their tactics to teach people how animals suffer in a world which was created around them first. As everyone knows, I'm a HUGE Britney Spears fan (since 1998) and became vegetarian in 2003 and there's been a recent situation that just topped the low-calorie strawberry icing on the cake. PETA wrote one of their usual bashing articles, dissecting Britney's past personal events and even saying, "...Britney is now just an "outrageous" and "toxic" mess. I certainly don't want her to "gimme more," and neither do the animals who have been abused so that she can feel "lucky." What bothers me the most is that they continually resort to belittling others while supporting terrorism (paying legal fees of an activist who burned down a medical facility where animal testing was taken place) when they should be EDUCATING like the COMPASSIONATE animal activists that we are not SAVAGES! Not every person in this world knowingly participates in animal exploitation, so it's just as likely that Britney may not have known about the treatment of circus animals and I'd love it if PETA could retract their berating comments with a sincere apology and start lending out a non-judgmental hand and open potential campaign supporters eyes with kind words and a warm heart. Below is the letter I sent to Britney and hope she chooses an animal-free wardrobe and performance.

First and foremost, I want to say that I love you and that I've been a fan for years. As I'm sure you've heard, a lot of your animal-friendly fans are disappointed to see that your new video, "Circus," includes elephants and lions who perform cruel and confusing tricks. I'm definitely not here to judge your character and point out your flaws (because real Britney fans would NEVER do that), but I just want you to know that trainers beat animals used in circuses with bullhooks, whips, and electric prods to force them to perform when all they want to do is be back home in the Wildlife, where they belong..

With so many costume and superb digital alternatives, there is really no reason that animals should have to suffer for what many consider "entertainment."

Please Britney, stop using exotic animals in your videos and performances in the future and realize that those animals don't belong on stage. I've always been a strong supporter and I'm finally old enough to go to my first concert which I'm hoping is going to be yours...I really don't want to end my 10 year Britney support but I love my animals way too much. I hope you understand and decide to do what's right...Save the Animals. Save the World.

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Damia Rose =].
7:08:00 PM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

♥ Britney Spears!

Britney Spears is the ultimate performer and a positive inspiration for all people alike. She is a prominent value to the entertainment industry, loved in many communities and respected for all she's done and been through. To all who feel differently, that's your business...but how dare you be so judgmental and wrongfully opinionated of another human being who's just like everyone else, going through ups and downs and doing the best she can. Keep your offensive comments to yourself and stop belittling others. In other words: be civil and respectful! You know better than that...

What Britney's Done So Far...
♥ Premiered her hit single and video, "Womanizer!" which is the 1 song in several countries!
♥ She performed at the Bambi Awards on 11/27 and was presented with an award for Best International Pop Star, she then performed on 11/28 at Star Academy & my favorite performance was X-Factor on11/29 (and Miss Spears broke the record, bringing in 12.8 MILLION viewers, the highest ratings X-Factor has ever had!), the crowd was amazing and it definitely helped her get the jitters out.
♥ She shot a cover for Rolling Stones and Glamour magazine, out now!
♥ On November 30th, Britney: For the Record premiered worldwide on MTV which I'm sure premiered with ratings through the roof (at time of publication, Nielsen Ratings weren't yet released). It was a heart-wrenching inside look into the life of the famous pop star. If you haven't seen it, please do so...It might change your perspective on who you THINK Britney is.
♥ Not only is it Britney's 27th Birthday today but she performed on I just Good Morning America (12/2 which I broke night for!) and it was absolutely amazing! The first performance featuring her next 1 hit, Circus, was sexy & very entertaining but she was a little nervous, who wouldn't be with thousands of people watching, your family is in full view and millions are tuned in...but it's Britney, she rocked the shit out of that show! Then she performed the 1 hit Womanizer and she definitely warmed up! During her interview, she was definitely "robotic" but it won't be long until she's a little loose. Stay tuned because Miss Britney isn't going anywhere... Don't call it a comeback, she never left bitches!
♥ Lastly, if your a TRUE Britney Fan, you know the secret is officially out! And guess what it is?! SHE'S GOING ON TOUR!!!! I've posted the tour dates below so make sure you buy your tickets and let's continue to support Britney! & OMG! Her album is officially out, go out and buy at least two copies!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D WE LOVE YOU BRITNEY!!!!!! My fan base is different from Britney Spears so I will not update events and such, please visit www.BritneySpears.com for more information.


Damia Rose =].
12:28:00 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

♥ Black Friday Nightmare

What your about to see will astound you.

There was another video I saw of a man who recorded some footage with his cellphone (you can look for it on YouTube, but I will not post it here). It's horrible. If you listen closely, you can hear people making fun of the man that died. "Shack him! Just shack him already", a petty Wal-Mart customer said, upset that the poor man who died is putting his shopping to a definite halt. One woman complained that she doesn't have time for this because its "not fair" (and I quote!) because she had stayed in line for hours... Amazing right?! How can people be so ignorant and so selfish. YOU KILLED A MAN! But not only that, you trampled another woman who was pregnant and miscarried at the hospital! And your fucking complaining (sorry about the language)?! We understand times are hard and I'm not saying don't stand in line for hours to get amazing deals, but do it with dignity! If you see a man or a woman in need of help, would you rather get a deal on a $69 camera or aid them and potentially save their life? It's an easy choice! For people that don't know about wholesale websites, there are hundreds upon hundreds that offer even better cameras then BestBuy, Wal-Mart and Circuity City (see details below) Let this be a learning lesson to all. Materials things are NOT more important than a life!

www.LightInTheBox.com* is absolutely amazing! They've got amazing name brand and non-name brand products at great prices! Stay tuned for more websites in an upcoming blog :-D

*I assume no responsibility whatsoever for damaged, lost items in mail, refunds, etc. Buy at your own risk.

Damia Rose =].
7:06:00 AM

Friday, November 28, 2008

♥ True Love Story

When I saw this video, everything I had been trying to say about animal rights and their suffering just presented itself in front of me. Take a look for yourself...

After seeing this video, please think twice about eating meat, supporting circuses with animals as "entertainment", funding medical experiments with no successes (we do not have the same dna and same reactions, get it through your head...its science, can't you see it?!) and even wearing them! Animals have feelings.. they cry, laugh, talk, eat, suffer, live and love just like the rest of us.

To know how you can help, even by just signing your name on worthy petitions, please don't hesitate to write me a comment (my message feature is disabled for personal purposes). Thank you!


Damia Rose =].
4:45:00 AM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

♥ Happy Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving

Here we are, another year of Thanksgiving! Everyone's happy, gathered at the dining table, chatting about recent events and eating... Hmm. WHO are they eating? Was it Lea from across the road at Planet Farm Co. who just gave birth to twins Maggy and Sam? Or was it Peter from Pawtucket Harvest who just fell in love with Lois? "The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men." - Alice Walker

Out of all the holidays I love most, it would have to be Thanksgiving. For the past 5 1/2 years I've spent Thanksgiving alone, enjoying a superb yet nutriotional meal probably watching TV in search of some good knowledge. What bothers me, is that I don't believe that people should gather at the tables to celebrate death, because that is infact what meat eaters are doing. It's a time to get together with your families or your special loved one to remember and continue to appreciate all your blessings, but for millions of others... it's a day they dread. Animals produced for murderous consumption are confined to small cages the size of 8 by 11inch paper. They are continously punched, thrown, beaten, mutilated to the extreme and even raped by factory workers!

"In an earlier stage of our development most human groups held to a tribal ethic. Members of the tribe were protected, but people of other tribes could be robbed or killed as one pleased. Gradually the circle of protection expanded, but as recently as 150 years ago we did not include blacks. So African human beings could be captured, shipped to America and sold. In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today. Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speciesist ethic of the era of factory farming, of the use of animals as mere research tools, of whaling, seal hunting, kangaroo slaughter and the destruction of wilderness. We must take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics." ~Pete Singer

You need to stop thinking like a cavemen because people went through war and millions died so that we could ALL have a better future. The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but rather, "Can they suffer?" -Jeremy Bentham

Don't be so hypocritical and think you have it bad, imagine what being an animal is like? Your mother is dead, your father was brutally murdered and your brothers and sisters are on their way to the dinner table...all without saying goodbye? "Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him?" -Pierre Troubetzkoy

I really hope that this blog touches someone's heart. I'm not a biased person but as a woman with gene-derived compassion and years of wisdom, I can't ignore this issue! "Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals." -George Orwell, Animal Farm

I don't know of my ancestry but know that being a minority, somewhere in there, my family has suffered segregation, racism & slavery. So it is in my heart to help those who do not have a voice... " Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage." -Sri Aurobindo

To find out what you can do to help animals, just leave me a comment (my message feature is disabled) or go to www.PETA.org :-D Thank you for reading!

D.Rose =]

Damia Rose =].
6:48:00 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

♥ Little Boy Eaten in PIECES, by Family


Please read the article! This is absolutely insane! I hope justice gets served! In all this, I wonder where are people's heads? Always remember, there's someone out there who is doing worst...Count your blessings, as few or many as they are.

Just dreadful really...

Toodles :-( ,

Damia Rose =].
5:48:00 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

♥ MUST-SEE Video for EVERY Voting American

Damia Rose =].
6:35:00 AM

♥ who is damia? =\

      Hey, welcome to Revolutionize Your World by Damia Rose...ME! =D I'm here to inspire people to think differently and be in control of their life. This blog contains entries ranging from National Events & Vegetarianism to Celebrities and Beauty =]. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to drop me a message and/or suggest things I should read and post.

      inspire. succeed. love.

      I'm a 20 year old Hispanic female with a million things to say. so listen up!. i like to describe myself as compassionate and an enthusiast. exercise. eat no living create. live fruitfully. i could go on and on about how i want to change the world but i'll let my blog speak for itself and physically, i will never step down and will always speak up for what i KNOW is wrong. protests. charity races. fund raising events. community outreach. i'm all for it.

      PEACE & LOVE
